Music Services
High quality flawless copyright administration and creative services.
Collect!© Music Publishers offers high quality, flawless copyright administration and direct royalty processing (driven by the latest Vistex (Counterpoint) Music Maestro system/), registration (CWR), active tracking, controlling and monitoring of the incomestream generated by your – and our copyrights. We are able to increase income for our clients, writers and rights through active representation to local artists, producers, recordcompanies, TV/Film production houses and advertising/media agencies.
Through a thorough and detailed registration of each and everyone of your songs at the societies we are able to find whatever income is out there and actively collect it for you. We can clean up your entire catalog, investigate and backclaim your copyrights as detailed as possible and in the most transparent way you like.
On a creative level we assist in creating the maximum opportunity for our writers and catalogs to achieve success with their compositions in every possible way – whether through A&R assistance, management, getting record deals or releasing the product directly through our own label via all available portals (Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer a.o.) , cuts with local artists or assignments for productions for film and TV.
Co-writing for specific projects & artists
Sample and music clearance
Placement of songs with local artists, producers & compilations
Active pitching of songs for synchronisation use in all media and advertising areas
Production and creation of TV & film scores and themes
Leader & jingle package development